With the ultrasonar GPS-GNSS machine control system, we ensure precise positioning of the pile driving process by placing the photovoltaic pile driving machines in the correct position and driving the pole to exactly the right height.

The equipment consists of two GPS receivers on the pile driver, one on a tripod, and a tablet with integrated software. The Ultrasonar application allows the operator to prepare the project in the office or in the field and view it on the tablet.

The GNSS system includes a base station on a tripod located in the area where piles will be driven. It consists of two GPS antennas, a GNSS receiver and a tablet with integrated software on the vehicle. The Ultrasonar application allows the operator to prepare the project in the office or in the field and view it on the tablet, and the vehicle can be driven autonomously by selecting the point.

GPS Advantages;

  • Lower costs
  • Accurate and precise nailing
  • Quick installation
  • Minimum employee